Keep up to date with the latest news and events from ATHIKA project and partners.
ATHIKA journey
The EU-funded ATHIKA project is arriving to the end after a 3 years’ journey. Since January 2019, the whole partnership has worked hard on preparing and developing contents, videos and materials to finally launch the ATHIKA course platform.
Willing to extend our collaboration
ATHIKA final #36 online partnership meeting was hosted by La Salle – Universitat Ramon Llull on 15th Of December 2021. Partners were enthusiastic to reflect on ATHIKA partnership: great team spirit, successful results achieved and inspiring leadership from ATHIKA coordinators.
Would you let a robot be your taxi driver? And your doctor?
The text was presented the 18th November 2021 at Kaunas Science and Technology Park (Lithuania), in an ATHIKA event. Many doctors and engineers, lawyers and other experts gathered in Kaunas invited by ATHIKA to discuss the following question: Would let you a robot become your doctor?
Final partnership meeting in Kaunas
Final ATHIKA partnership meeting was hosted by Lithuanian partner Kaunas Science and Technology Park at SANTAKA Valley on 18th of November, 2021. The key focus of this meeting was to share Final ATHIKA conference insights, overview partnership achievements and plan final tasks to be completed.
Meeting with Kaunas STP MedTech startups
During final ATHIKA conference key project results and outcomes were presented: innovative educational programme and emerging opportunities of European HEIs and SMEs cooperation. Second part of the conference was dedicated for MedTech start-ups presentation.
ATHIKA Project no. 601106-EPP-1-2018-1-ES-EPPKA2-KA
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