TED Talk: What You Need to Know About CRISPR

In this TED Talk, molecular biologist Ellen Jorgensen discusses the myths and realities of CRISPR-Cas9 technology. The modularity of the targeting system in CRISPR makes it extremely versatile and useful for scientific pursuits ranging from understanding a gene’s basic function to functional gene editing. The intrigue of CRISPR’s high level possibilities take away from public knowledge of its most important current uses, making better models and reinforcing basic genomic understanding. Scientists still have a way to go before fully understanding cells and their mechanisms and CRISPR has the ability to aid in that pursuit and eventually do much more.

A Possible Future Scenario on Aging

It is possible one day that humanity will be able to avoid aging and the numerous pathologies that come with it through some sort of expensive therapy. However, the effective doubling (or even more) of our life expectancy brings about new issues. A growing population as the old live longer and are fertile for longer. Growing income inequality as the rich live longer than those already disadvantaged and are therefore able to make even more money and leave the poor further behind. This video highlights the need for ethical reflection on anti-aging technology like CRISPR gene-editing techniques as healthcare heads in the direction of significantly prolonged human life.

TED Talk: A Temporary Tattoo that Brings Hospital Care to the Home

Dr. Coleman and his research group have created wearable and flexible electronic health monitoring patches that give patients the ability to leave the hospital and have their information monitored remotely. Dr. Coleman also addresses some of the issues with the system in the past like patient privacy and the cost of sending copious amounts of data, as well as what his team has done to address them.

TED Talk: Better Medicine through Machine Learning

Machine learning, the process by which a machine learns from data on its own, is able to save lives in healthcare by going through mountains of patient data and comparing it to that of a single patient to detect symptoms and provide an early diagnosis. Dr. Saria’s Targeted Real-time Early Warning Score (TREWS) machine learning system is able to detect the symptoms of Sepsis, a potentially deadly condition, around 12 hours before physicians alone. Artificial Intelligence has the potential to save countless lives by searching through electronic medical records and determining how, when, and with what to treat patients.

TED Talk: How AI is Making it Easier to Diagnose Disease

Traditional artificial intelligence architectures used in healthcare require around 10,000 expensive medical images as well as expert physicians to establish an effective neural network for diagnosis. Dr. Pratik Shah and the MIT Media Lab have created an alternative artificial intelligence architecture that requires only 50 medical images overlaid on white light photographs of patients with the condition in question. This allows the AI to diagnose a patient with a single white light photograph input, requiring less money, time, and expertise.

Data Science Ethics

The exploration of the ethics of data science is necessary because of the rapid expansion of big data in recent years and the issues surrounding the ownership of data. The lack of a standardized framework for the ethical treatment of copious amounts of personal data must be remedied by future data scientists concerned with the ethical ramifications of their practices.

Detection of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

UC Berkeley researchers have developed a test that detects the presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in minutes and requires no complicated equipment for detection. The test, dubbed DETECT, detects antibiotic-resistant bacteria for urinary tract infections. The test spots the molecular products of the breakdown of the antibiotic and turns an easily detectable shade of yellow when these markers are present. This test has the ability to eliminate the superfluous use of alternative antibiotics as doctors can quickly determine if the Urinary Tract Infection can be treated with a lower-generation antibiotic. Eliminating the unnecessary use of alternative antibiotics will help slow the development of even more antibiotic-resistant bacteria.